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Updating to cross-seed v6

If you are updating from version 5.x to version 6.x, you can visit the v6 migration guide for the changes and updates.


We recommend reading this page before seeking any support, as it should cover most of the immediate questions you may encounter as well as current changes to the state of v6 while it is in pre-release.

General Suggestions

  • Adjust excludeRecentSearch excludeOlder and searchCadence to reduce searching indexers needlessly.
  • If cross-seed runs continuously with an rssCadence, consider reducing the frequency of, or eliminating, searching via searchCadence. RSS is capable of catching all releases if ran 24/7.
  • The log files in /logs - specifically verbose.*.log - are your friend. If you experience undesired results from cross-seed, look to these files first for indicators of why cross-seed performed the way it did.

Does cross-seed support music torrents?

While cross-seed may incidentally find some music matches, it is not optimized for music at all. You will find better results with tools designed around music cross-seeding, examples of this are crops or Pollenizer.


These appropriate tools for the job will usually be discussed and made available on the tracker's forums.

What can I do about error parsing torrent at http://…?

This means that the Prowlarr/Jackett download link didn't resolve to a torrent file. You may have been rate-limited, so you might want to try again later. Otherwise, just ignore it. There's nothing cross-seed will be able to do to fix it.

Does cross-seed work on public trackers?

While it is possible, in some cases, for you to cross-seed on public trackers; the majority of public trackers are serving the same torrent file (identical infohash) with different announce URLs. This results in cross-seed seeing what you would assume are matches on different trackers as being torrents you already have in your client. These "matches" will therefore be excluded in cross-seed's decisions. Private torrent sites also set the 'Private Flag', meaning that torrent clients cannot add multiple trackers to the same torrent (identical infohash) with a private flag set. So even if we somehow were able to support matching identical infohashes, it would only work with public trackers.

Another problem is the naming schemes (or lack of one) that the majority of public trackers use. Due to the nature of "anyone can upload", you will get individuals or bots tagging releases with their names, or just otherwise butchering the naming conventions we depend on for properly parsing and matching torrents.

Finally, given that there is no direct, lasting, benefit to you for cross-seeding on public trackers, as there is no account, ratio, reputation, or upload directly associated with you, the benefit YOU will receive if any matches are found is almost non-existent.


All of these factors combine to yield extremely limited results, if any, and the inability for us to provide support beyond initial configurations and set up for use on public trackers.

What's the best way to add new trackers?

In v6, if you are attempting to add a tracker, and perform a initial search on that tracker, it is as simple as adding the torznab url to your config. You do not need to change any other options.

v5 note

If you are still on v5 and attempting to add a new tracker to an existing setup to perform a search for the first time on that tracker, it is as simple as adding the torznab url to your config, setting excludeOlder to null to include all torrents regardless of their "age" in respect to cross-seed. You will need to return this setting to its previous value after your search.

excludeRecentSearch works on a per-tracker basis, and because you have unset excludeOlder, it will perform a full search on the new tracker, after which it will resume any other search results that qualify on ALL trackers you have in your config.

What should I do after updating my config file?

Most settings will not require you to perform a search if changed and requires cross-seed to be restarted. For the ones that do, you many need to set excludeOlder and excludeRecentSearch to null temporarily. This will search all torrents every time a search is performed by cross-seed while still taking advantage of your already existing cache.


It will NEVER be necessary to delete your database or torrent_cache folder to perform a "fresh search". Doing so offers no benefits, is slower, and only puts undue stress on indexers.

Can I use special characters in my URLs?

To use special characters (!@#$%^&*) in your URLs for user/passwords, you will have to use URL encoding for ONLY the portion of the URL containing the special characters.

For instance, if your user or password contains a special character #, you will need to go to and encode THIS PORTION OF YOUR URL ONLY - and then place this in the appropriate place in the URL in your config file.

My data-based results are paused at 100% after injection

This is by design and due to the way data-based searches function. This is done to prevent automatically downloading missing files or files that failed to recheck. Until there is a way to guarantee you won't end up downloading extra (not cross-seeding) this is the best solution.

Alternatively, if you wish for torrents to not inject in a paused state, you can enable skipRecheck in the config file, and this will instead Error on missing/incomplete files.


Consider using infoHash if you are racing to prevent mismatches.

cross-seed does not support the usage of magnet links. If your indexer supports torrent files you will need to switch your settings.

rtorrent injected torrents don't check (or start at all) until force rechecked

Remove any stop_untied= schedules from your .rtorrent.rc.

Commonly: schedule2 = untied_directory, 5, 5, (cat,"stop_untied=",(,"*.torrent")

SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier when I try and start cross-seed

cross-seed configuration files are formatted with commas at the end of each identifier (option), if you are seeing this error it is most likely that you are missing a comma at the end of the setting BEFORE the identifier specified in the error.

Alternatively, you could also be missing quotes around the value you provided. Check the syntax before and around the config setting given in the error.

RangeError: WebAssembly.instantiate(): Out of memory error when starting

If you receive this error when trying to start cross-seed, usually presenting on v6 or in shared seedbox environments, it is likely caused by a limitation in the VMEM able to be allocated to your instance of cross-seed.

To fix this error, it is necessary to use at least Node v20.15 and set the NODE_OPTIONS to include the flag --disable-wasm-trap-handler.

To ensure a successful startup of cross-seed, you can simply execute cross-seed with the following command.

NODE_OPTIONS=--disable-wasm-trap-handler cross-seed daemon

Adjust the command accordingly if you intend to perform another action such as a search with cross-seed.

Failed to inject, saving instead.

The best way to start troubleshooting this is to check the logs/verbose.*.log and find this specific event.

You will be able to see the circumstances around the failure and start investigating why this occurred.

My data-based search is searching torrent files!

Torrent files in torrentDir take precedence over data files with the same name and are de-duplicated.


If you need to search specifically the dataDirs (to acheive linking, for example), use an empty directory for torrentDir temporarily. This will strictly search the data.


If possible, cross-seed will always attempt to create links for data and torrents being injected into a client, unlike in v5 where torrent matches were directly linked to the data.


If you wish to search only data, please read the relevant version's instructions.

Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory

This is usually caused by broken symlinks in, or files being moved or deleted from, your dataDirs during a data-based search. Check the /logs/verbose.*.log files for the file causing this.


If you do not link files within your dataDirs or have them outside of the maxDataDepth visibility, this is preventable.

My torrents are injected (qBittorrent) but show missing files error!

If you see injected torrents show up with a missing files error, it is likely because you do not have a save path set for the original torrent's category that cross-seed was cross-seeding from. You should also see a warning in the logs when the torrents are injected telling you there is no save path set.


Set a save path for the files in that category to fix this.

I am getting 0 torrents found with qBittorrent and I set my torrentDir

If you are using qBittorrent 4.6.x or later and have the option to use SQLite database in the Advanced menu in preferences, you will not be able to do torrent based searches. To be compatible with cross-seed you will need to switch this to fastresume mode and restart qBittorrent. This will store actual torrent files in your BT_Backup folder. cross-seed depends on, and indexes, the torrent files for searching.


We have no current ETA on integration with qBittorrent's SQLite database.

What linkType should I use?

Your options are "hardlink" or "symlink". These operate in seperate ways, and depending on your workflow you should choose appropriately. This is a brief description, however a more in depth guide is available at Trash's Hardlinking Guide.

  • symlinks are a "shortcut" of sorts, pointing at the original file from a new location. This can be used across mounts (Docker) or partitions/drives, and does not cost you any extra space. The only possible issue is that if the original file is deleted (when you remove a torrent,) the torrents in your client using the symlink will "break" and you will receive errors. If this sounds like a hassle, consider reading further about hardlinks.

  • hardlinks are a tricky thing for someone not familiar with the concept but are worth understanding. They are a "direct line" to the actual data on the disk and, as far as the file system is concerned, are indistinguishable from the original. Hardlinks do not require any additional space and the file will remain on the disk until all references to said file are deleted. These linktypes are only possible on the same partition/disk/mount, and you will need to have your linkDir set to the same mount (Docker) or partition as your dataDirs. This is the best approach if you do not always keep the source torrent in your client (due to them being deleted from the tracker) - which would then break symlinks and cross-seeds. This is the approach commonly used in Arr's on import.


If your client is using a folder for incomplete download, using matchMode partial could break cross-seed linking. If the incomplete download folder is on a different drive from the completed path, you will need to use the linkType symlink when using partial matchMode. If using linkType hardlink, your download client will break the hardlink and copy between drives causing the files to be duplicated.

For qBittorrent users, cross-seed sets the download path in addtion to save path which prevents this issue from happening. For other clients, you must ensure your paths follow standard hardlinking requirements.


If you are using qBittorrent, consider checking out qbit_manage to manage your hardlinks eligible for deletion.

I'm getting errors in cross-seed on seedbox

  1. Get your shared instance IP address (`cat .install/subnet.lock)
  2. Torznab URLs should be: http://ip:port/prowlarr/[id]/api?apikey=[apikey]
  3. Your torrent client should be on the same subnet (if installed after dec. 2023). If not, update the “bind ip” address in web ui settings to your ip from step 1 and restart the torrent client
  4. The torrent client address URL in cross-seed config should be http://user:pass@ip:port (note: no /qbittorrent or /deluge etc at the end)

The subnet/shared instances are reverse proxies so no https


Although we are providing the information given from, we are not able to support this directly. This is just what was passed to us. Contact them for details and further instructions if you have any issues

I can't reach my Prowlarr/Jackett/cross-seed/torrent client (Using Docker/VPN)

If you are using Docker, you cannot use localhost as an address to communicate across containers. Consider using your host's local IP address (usually a 192 or 10 address) or the container name (if using a "Custom Docker Network").

If your setup is running with a VPN, you will need to either

  1. Set up split tunneling
  2. Try to use the Docker network addresses as your instance hostnames
  3. Address the routing of local/internal traffic in your VPN configuration

Generally, you won't be able to access local instances from services utilizing a VPN since localhost/LAN is not accessible from the VPN network by default.


There is no need to put cross-seed behind a VPN. All of its requests are made to your torrent client or Jackett/Prowlarr. The only exception is when announcements are made via the /announce API endpoint and are snatched during matching or for injection.


Even with API authentication, we still recommend that you do not expose its port to untrusted networks (such as the Internet).

Searching media libraries vs. torrent data (data-based searching)

You can search both your media libraries (Arr/Plex) and actual torrent data (downloaded files). If you are using the media libraries with renamed files, you will need to use matchMode: "risky" in your configuration file to allow cross-seed some leeway in its matching process. "risky" matchMode is not recommended to be used without skipRecheck being set to false, as it could result in more false positives than "safe".


Due to the way data-based searching works, risky matching only matches renamed files if they are a single-file searches. As TV libraries usually include renamed files, data-based matching will not be able to pick up matches on multi-file torrents (such as full-season packs matched to your season folders).

My season packs are cross-seeding individual episodes!


The include options detailed below have changed for v6. You can reference the migration guide for the updated behavior. The explanation below applies to v5 only.

You can use includeSingleEpisodes, which expands from includeEpisodes. If you wish to search for season packs as a whole and individual episodes not from a season pack, you will need to set includeEpisodes to false, and includeSingleEpisodes to true. Both options would be best utilized with includeNonVideos set to true.


Specific configurations for episode and season inclusion can be found in the config file's option descriptions.

Why do I see filetree is different in my logs?

This is a result of the matching algorithm used by cross-seed, and is most commonly associated with only a few scenarios. These include the presence of additional .nfo/.srt files in a torrent, differences in the organization of files (one torrent having a folder while the potential match does not, or vice versa), and discrepancies in the filenames within the torrent. Switching to matchMode partial will eliminate nearly all mismatches due to filetree.


You can utilize the cross-seed diff command to compare the torrents.

How can I use autobrr with cross-seed?

If you are using autobrr to cross-seed, you can use the /api/announce endpoint, rather than /api/webhook, to match against what cross-seed already knows about your available media (instead of searching your indexers every time).


If you want to filter announces even further, consider setting up more specific filters or using omegabrr (which filters based on monitored items in Arrs) to minimize needless calls to cross-seed.


For more help setting this up, you can head over to the autobrr documentation for 3rd-party-tools.

My tracker is mad at me for snatching too many .torrent files!

cross-seed searches for and compares potential match's contents and the size(s) of file(s) within those torrents. It is possible you are running searches too often, have configured cross-seed in a less-than-desirable way, are not keeping the torrent_cache folder, or are improperly utilizing autobrr.


It is important to note that your tracker may have opinions on the snatching of .torrent files that cross-seed can potentially do, and it is important to respect these or risk your account being disabled.

We try to reduce unnecessary snatches of .torrent files as much as possible, but because we need to compare the files inside the torrent as well as their sizes, it is sometimes unavoidable.


cross-seed is incredibly configurable and needs a good amount of thought and testing in your configuration before leaving it to do its thing.

We highly recommend you read your tracker's rules, investigate the number of potential searches you will be performing, and thoroughly read the documentation on the options in the config template as well as on this site.

Settings to consider when looking to minimize snatches

includeEpisodes: false,
includeSingleEpisodes: true,

This will exclude season packs' individual episodes (for data-based searching) while still searching for episodes outside of season packs. Many times individual episodes have been replaced on trackers for the season packs. This is beneficial for initial searches especially.


If you do not download or upgrade to season packs, this could still result in excessive searching.

includeNonVideos: false,

This option will exclude any torrents or folders that contain non-video files. This is useful for excluding things that are not movies or TV content, but will also exclude anything that contains .nfo, .srt, .txt or other non-video files from being searched.

matchMode: "safe",

Using risky matching will match torrents for snatching based on the size of the torrents and whether the release groups match (if both are present) and compare them regardless of file structures. This will always result in more .torrent files being snatched from the tracker.

Using safe matching will match torrents for snatching based on the size and require that the release groups match and compare them, requiring file structure to match.

Using partial matching works the same as risky but it will ignore missing files up to your fuzzySizeThreshold.


There are TV shows that are not combined into season packs, such as Jeopardy, Talk Shows, and similar. These shows are known as dailies and often have naming which specifies dates, rather than SeasonEpisode (S02E03) style. Searching with includeSingleEpisodes and using risky on these torrents, or files, can result in many torrent files being downloaded for comparisons for matching only one individual episode.

Remember, this would occur on just one (torrent) search, within the entire (all data) search.

Final Notes

There is no one-size-fits-all setting for this. You can run cross-seed with your config to see how many torrents it will search (noted as "suitable" before conducting the actual search) and adjust accordingly.

  • It is highly recommended to use excludeOlder and excludeRecentSearch. Both of these are covered here as well as on the options page.

    • Setting something reasonable for both of these based on the amount of content you download is crucial. While we cache your .torrents, it is not beneficial, for example, to repeatedly search the same torrents that are 6 months old every few days.
  • A final set of options to consider are searchLimit and searchCadence. These two options combined will limit the number of searches performed on your schedule (searchCadence) and can ease the search queries you are making to your tracker.


After discussions with the staff of the site, we have agreed on a recommended set of configuration options that should help to minimize excessive snatching of the .torrent files for comparison. These settings are merely recommendations. You and you alone are responsible for your account and the actions of the software you use with your account.

delay: 30,
excludeRecentSearch: undefined,
excludeOlder: "2w",
searchCadence: "3d",
includeEpisodes: false,
includeSingleEpisodes: false,
includeNonVideos: false,

Descriptions for the settings listed above can be found here.