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cross-seed has several program options, which can either be specified on the command line or in a configuration file. The priority is shown below.

CLI > config file > defaults

If you specify an option both on the command line and in the config file, the command line value will override the config file's value.

Options on the command line

All options on the command line have a long form, which looks like --long-form-option <value>. Some more common options have a single-letter short form as well, which look like -f <value>.

Some options take multiple arguments, which are always separated by spaces:

--variadic-option arg1 arg2 arg3

Any references to options you see in camelCase have their corresponding long-form option name as the kebab-cased variant. For example, the excludeRecentSearch option's long-form CLI option name is --exclude-recent-search.

Options in the config file

cross-seed will look for a configuration file at

  • Mac/Linux/Unix: ~/.cross-seed/config.js
  • Windows: AppData\Local\cross-seed\config.js

If you would like to use a custom config directory, you can set the CONFIG_DIR environment variable.

To create an editable config file, run the following command:

cross-seed gen-config

Add -d to this command to generate a config for Docker

From there, you can open the config file in your favorite editor and set up your configuration.


The configuration file uses JavaScript syntax, which means:

  • Array/multi options must be enclosed in ['brac', 'kets'].
  • Strings must be enclosed in "quotation" marks.
  • Array elements and options must be separated by commas.
  • Windows users will need to use \\ for paths. (e.g. c:\\torrents)

Options used in cross-seed daemon


All options


Config file nameCLI short formCLI Long formFormatDefault
delay-d <value>--delay <value>number (seconds)10

When running a search with cross-seed search or using searchCadence in daemon mode, the delay option lets you set how long you want cross-seed to sleep in between searching for each torrent. If you set it higher, it will smooth out load on your indexers, but if you set it lower, cross-seed will run faster. We don't recommend setting this lower than 2, as it could garner you unwanted attention from tracker staff.

delay Examples (CLI)

cross-seed search -d 10
cross-seed search --delay 3
cross-seed daemon -d 5

delay Examples (Config file)

delay: 20,


Config file nameCLI short formCLI Long formFormatDefault
torznab-T <urls...>--torznab <urls...>string[][] (empty list)

List of Torznab URLs. You can use Jackett, Prowlarr, or indexer built-in Torznab implementations.

This entry MUST be wrapped in []'s and strings inside wrapped with quotes and separated by commas.


The path of each URL should end in /api.

Finding your Torznab URLs

For Prowlarr and Jackett you can simply copy the RSS URL from the WebUI.


This works because in Torznab, "RSS feeds" are just a search for the first page of unfiltered (no search query) results from the indexer.

torznab Examples (CLI)

cross-seed search --torznab https://localhost/prowlarr/1/api?apikey=12345
cross-seed search -T http://prowlarr:9696/1/api?apikey=12345 http://prowlarr:9696/2/api?apikey=12345
cross-seed search -T http://jackett:9117/api/v2.0/indexers/oink/results/torznab/api?apikey=12345

torznab Examples (Config file)

torznab: ["https://localhost/prowlarr/1/api?apikey=12345"],

torznab: [

torznab: ["http://jackett:9117/api/v2.0/indexers/oink/results/torznab/api?apikey=12345"],


Config file nameCLI short formCLI long formFormatDefault
torrentDir-i <dir>--torrent-dir <dir>string

Point this at a directory containing torrent files. If you don't know where your torrent client stores its files, the table below might help.

Data-Only Searching

If you wish to search only your data, we previously recommended pointing this to an empty directory. You can now set this to null if you wish to search only your dataDirs.


If you are using qBittorrent 4.6.x and/or SQLite database in Preferences -> Advanced you will need to switch to fastresume for compatibility with cross-seed. We have no ETA on SQLite integration currently.


Leave the torrentDir as /torrents and use Docker to map your directory to /torrents.

rTorrentyour session directory as configured in .rtorrent.rcyour session directory as configured in .rtorrent.rcyour session directory as configured in .rtorrent.rc
Deluge/home/<username>/.config/deluge/state%APPDATA%\deluge\stateCurrently Not Supported Officially
Transmission/home/<username>/.config/transmission/torrentsUnknown (please submit a PR!)Unknown (please submit a PR!)
qBittorrent/home/<username>/.local/share/data/qBittorrent/BT_backupC:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\qBittorrent\BT_backup~/Library/Application Support/qBittorrent/BT_backup

torrentDir Examples (CLI)

cross-seed search --torrent-dir ~/.config/deluge/state
cross-seed search -i ~/.config/transmission/torrents

torrentDir Examples (Config file)

torrentDir: "/home/<username>/.config/deluge/state",

torrentDir: "/torrents",


Config file nameCLI short formCLI long formFormatDefault
outputDir-o <dir>--output-dir <dir>string

cross-seed will store the torrent files it finds in this directory. If you use Injection you'll need to make sure that the client has access to this path also.


Leave the outputDir as /cross-seeds and use Docker to map your directory to /cross-seeds.

outputDir Examples (CLI)

cross-seed search -o .
cross-seed search --output-dir /tmp/output

outputDir Examples (Config file)

outputDir: "/output",

outputDir: "/tmp/output",

outputDir: ".",


Config file nameCLI short formCLI long formFormatDefault
dataDirs--data-dirs <dirs...>--data-dirs <dirs...>string(s)

cross-seed will search the paths provided (separated by spaces). If you use Injection cross-seed will use the specified linkType to create a link to the original file in the linkDir during data-based searchs where it cannot find a associated torrent file.


You will need to mount the volume for cross-seed to have access to the data and linkDir.

dataDirs Examples (CLI)

cross-seed search --data-dirs /data/torrents/completed

dataDirs Examples (Config file)

dataDirs: ["/data/torrents/completed"],

dataDirs: ["/data/torrents/completed", "/media/library/movies"],


Config file nameCLI short formCLI long formFormatDefault
dataCategory--data-category <category>N/Astring

cross-seed will, when performing data-based searches with injection, use this category for all injected torrents.


You will need to mount the volume for cross-seed to have access to the data and linkDir.

dataCategory Examples (CLI)

cross-seed search --data-category category

dataCategory Examples (Config file)

dataCategory: "Category1",


Config file nameCLI short formCLI long formFormatDefault

cross-seed will inject using the original category, appending '.cross-seed', with the same save paths as your normal categories.


This will prevent an Arr from seeing duplicate torrents in Activity, and attempting to import cross-seeds.

Example: if you have a category called "Movies", this will automatically inject cross-seeds to "Movies.cross-seed"

duplicateCategories Examples (CLI)

cross-seed search --duplicate-categories

duplicateCategories Examples (Config file)

duplicateCategories: true,

duplicateCategories: false,


Config file nameCLI short formCLI long formFormatDefault
linkDir--link-dir <dir>--link-dir <dir>string

cross-seed will link (symlink/hardlink) in the path provided. If you use Injection cross-seed will use the specified linkType to create a link to the original file in the linkDir during searches where the original data is accessible (both torrent and data-based matches).


You will need to mount the volume for cross-seed to have access to the dataDir and linkDir.

linkDir Examples (CLI)

cross-seed search --linkDir /data/torrents/xseeds

linkDir Examples (Config file)

linkDir: "/links",

linkDir: "/data/torrents/links",


Config file nameCLI short formCLI long formFormatDefault
linkType--link-type <type>--link-type <type>string

cross-seed will link (symlink/hardlink) in the method provided. If you use Injection cross-seed will use the specified linkType to create a link to the original file in the linkDir during data-based searchs where it cannot find a associated torrent file.

Valid methods for linkType are symlink and hardlink.

What linkType should I use?


You will need to mount the volume for cross-seed to have access to the dataDirs and linkDir.

linkType Examples (CLI)

cross-seed search --linkType hardlink

linkType Examples (Config file)

linkType: "hardlink",

linkType: "symlink",


Config file nameCLI short formCLI long formFormatDefault
matchMode--match-mode <mode>--match-mode <mode>safe/risky/partial*safe

partial mode is a v6 only feature.

cross-seed uses three types of matching algorithms safe, risky, and partial (only available in version 6).

safethe default which matches based on size and requires release groups match to snatch for further comparison
riskymatches on based on size. If release groups are present, it will compare the release groups, but will still proceed to snatch for comparison if one or both are missing
partialcan be read about in detail here

For media library searches risky or partial is necessary due to the renaming of files.


Using skipRecheck in conjunction with risky or partial is not recommended and could result in you downloading incorrect/missing pieces rather than cross-seeding properly.

Proceed with caution!

matchMode Examples (CLI)

cross-seed search --match-mode risky
cross-seed search --match-mode safe

matchMode Examples (Config file)

matchMode: "risky",

matchMode: "safe",


Config file nameCLI short formCLI long formFormatDefault

Set this to true to skip rechecking torrents upon injection.


Using skipRecheck in conjunction with risky or partial is not recommended and could result in you downloading incorrect/missing pieces rather than cross-seeding properly.

Proceed with caution!

skipRecheck Examples (CLI)

cross-seed search --skip-recheck # will skip rechecking
cross-seed search # will not skip rechecking

skipRecheck Examples (Config file)

skipRecheck: true,

skipRecheck: false,


Config file nameCLI short formCLI long formFormatDefault

Set this to true to include ALL episodes (which are ignored by default).


This WILL include episodes present inside season packs (for data-based searches).


This option has explicit usage examples given in the config templates which outlines the most common scenarios.

includeEpisodes Examples (CLI)

cross-seed search -e # will include all episodes
cross-seed search --include-episodes # will include all episodes
cross-seed search --no-include-episodes # will not include episodes
cross-seed search # will not include episodes

includeEpisodes Examples (Config file)

includeEpisodes: true,

includeEpisodes: false,


Config file nameCLI short formCLI long formFormatDefault

Set this to true to include ALL SINGLE episodes (which are ignored by default).


This will NOT include episodes present inside season packs (data-based searches).


This option has explicit usage examples given in the config templates which outlines the most common scenarios.

includeSingleEpisodes Examples (CLI)

cross-seed search --include-single-episodes # will include single episodes not from season pack
cross-seed search # will not include episodes

includeSingleEpisodes Examples (Config file)

includeSingleEpisodes: true,

includeSingleEpisodes: false,


Config file nameCLI short formCLI long formFormatDefault

Set this to true to include torrents which contain files other than video files (.mp4, .avi, .mkv) in the search.


If your torrents contain .nfo,.srt, or .txt, for example, they will otherwise be ignored by default.


This option has explicit usage examples given in the config templates which outlines the most common scenarios.

includeNonVideos Examples (CLI)

cross-seed search --include-non-videos # will include non-videos
cross-seed search --no-include-non-videos # will not include non-videos
cross-seed search # will not include non-videos

includeNonVideos Examples (Config file)

includeNonVideos: true,

includeNonVideos: false,


Config file nameCLI short formCLI long formFormatDefault
fuzzySizeThreshold--fuzzy-size-threshold <value>number (decimal from 0 to 1)0.02

Increase this number to reject fewer torrents based on size. There is no guarantee that it will increase your match rate.


This option has very limited utility and under normal operation does not need to be modified.

fuzzySizeThreshold Examples (CLI)

cross-seed search --fuzzy-size-threshold 0.02
cross-seed daemon --fuzzy-size-threshold 0.02

fuzzySizeThreshold Examples (Config file)

fuzzySizeThreshold: 0.02,


Config file nameCLI short formCLI long formFormatDefault
excludeOlder-x <value>--exclude-older <value>string in the ms format

When running a search, this option excludes anything first searched more than this long ago. This option is only relevant in search mode or in daemon mode with searchCadence turned on.


excludeOlder will never exclude torrents that are completely new.

excludeOlder Examples (CLI)

cross-seed search -x 10h # only search for torrents whose first search was less than 10 hours ago or never
cross-seed search --exclude-older "3 days" # only search for torrents whose first search was less than 3 days ago or never
cross-seed search -x 0s # only search for each torrent once ever

excludeOlder Examples (Config file)

excludeOlder: "10 hours",

excludeOlder: "3days",

excludeOlder: "0s",


Config file nameCLI short formCLI long formFormatDefault
excludeRecentSearch-r <value>--exclude-recent-search <value>string in the ms format

When running a search, this option excludes anything that has been searched more recently than this long ago. This option is only relevant in search mode or in daemon mode with searchCadence turned on.


Search history is stored on a per-indexer basis.

Searches that failed on specific indexers (for example - due to timeout or rate-limiting) will not be marked as having been searched, and thus will not be excluded by this setting for those specific indexers on the next run.

excludeRecentSearch Examples (CLI)

cross-seed search -r 1day # only search for torrents that haven't been searched in the past day
cross-seed search --exclude-recent-search "2 weeks" # only search for torrents that haven't been searched in the past 2 weeks

excludeRecentSearch Examples (Config file)

excludeRecentSearch: "1 day",

excludeRecentSearch: "2 weeks",


Config file nameCLI short formCLI long formFormatDefault
action-A <save/inject>--action <save/inject>save/injectsave

cross-seed can either save the found cross-seeds, or inject them into your client. If you use inject, you will need to set up your client. Read more in the Injection tutorial.

action Examples (CLI)

cross-seed search -A inject
cross-seed search --action save

action Examples (Config file)

action: "save",

action: "inject",


Config file nameCLI short formCLI long formFormatDefault
rtorrentRpcUrl--rtorrent-rpc-url <url>URL

The url of your rTorrent XMLRPC interface. Only relevant with Injection. Often ends in /RPC2.


If you use Sonarr or Radarr, cross-seed is configured the same way. ruTorrent installations come with this endpoint configured, but naked rTorrent does not provide this wrapper. If you don't use ruTorrent, you'll have to set up the endpoint yourself with a webserver.


If you use HTTP Digest Auth on this endpoint (recommended), then you can provide credentials in the following format: http://username:password@localhost/rutorrent/RPC2

rtorrentRpcUrl Examples (CLI)

cross-seed search --rtorrent-rpc-url http://rutorrent/rutorrent/RPC2
cross-seed search --rtorrent-rpc-url http://user:pass@localhost:8080/RPC2

rtorrentRpcUrl Examples (Config file)

rtorrentRpcUrl: "http://rutorrent/rutorrent/RPC2",

rtorrentRpcUrl: "http://user:pass@localhost:8080/RPC2",


Config file nameCLI short formCLI long formFormatDefault
qbittorrentUrl--qbittorrent-url <url>URL

The url of your qBittorrent Web UI. Only relevant with Injection.


qBittorrent doesn't use HTTP Basic/Digest Auth, but you can provide your qBittorrent credentials at the beginning of the URL like so: http://username:password@localhost:8080/

qbittorrentUrl Examples (CLI)

cross-seed search --qbittorrent-url http://qbittorrent:8080/qbittorrent
cross-seed search --qbittorrent-url http://user:pass@localhost:8080

qbittorrentUrl Examples (Config file)

qbittorrentUrl: "http://qbittorrent:8080/qbittorrent",

qbittorrentUrl: "http://user:pass@localhost:8080",


Config file nameCLI short formCLI long formFormatDefault
transmissionRpcUrl--transmissionrpc-url <url>URL

The url of your Transmission RPC Interface. Only relevant with Injection.


Transmission doesn't use HTTP Basic/Digest Auth, but you can provide your Transmission credentials at the beginning of the URL like so: http://username:password@localhost:9091/transmission/rpc

transmissionRpcUrl Examples (CLI)

cross-seed search --transmissionrpc-url http://transmission:8080/transmission/rpc
cross-seed search --transmissionrpc-url http://user:pass@localhost:8080

transmissionRpcUrl Examples (Config file)

transmissionRpcUrl: "http://transmission:8080/transmission/rpc",

transmissionRpcUrl: "http://username:password@localhost:9091/transmission/rpc",


Config file nameCLI short formCLI long formFormatDefault
delugeRpcUrl--delugerpc-url <url>URL

The url of your Deluge JSON-RPC Interface. Only relevant with Injection.


Deluge doesn't use HTTP Basic/Digest Auth, but you can provide your Deluge password at the beginning of the URL like so: http://:password@localhost:8112/json

delugeRpcUrl Examples (CLI)

cross-seed search --delugerpc-url http://deluge:8112/json
cross-seed search --delugerpc-url http://:pass@localhost:8112/json

delugeRpcUrl Examples (Config file)

delugeRpcUrl: "http://deluge:8112/json",

delugeRpcUrl: "http://:pass@localhost:8112/json",


Config file nameCLI short formCLI long formFormatDefault
notificationWebhookUrl--notification-webhook-url <url>URL

cross-seed will send a POST request to this URL with the following payload:

POST notificationWebhookUrl
Content-Type: application/json

"title": "string",
"body": "string",
"extra": {
"event": "RESULTS",
"name": "string",
"infoHashes": "string[]",
"trackers": "string[]",
"source": "reverselookup | search",

Currently, cross-seed only sends the "RESULTS" and "TEST" events. In the future it may send more. This payload supports both apprise and Notifiarr.

notificationWebhookUrl Examples (CLI)

cross-seed daemon --notification-webhook-url http://apprise:8000/notify

notificationWebhookUrl Examples (Config file)

notificationWebhookUrl: "http://apprise:8000/notify",


Config file nameCLI short formCLI long formFormatDefault
port-p <port>--port <port>number2468

In Daemon Mode, cross-seed runs a webserver listening for a few types of HTTP requests. You can use this option to change the port it listens on.

port Examples (CLI)

cross-seed daemon --port 3000
cross-seed daemon -p 3000

port Examples (Config file)

port: 3000,


Config file nameCLI short formCLI long formFormatDefault
rssCadence--rss-cadence <cadence>string in the ms format

In Daemon Mode, with this option enabled, cross-seed will run periodic RSS searches on your configured indexers to check if any new uploads match torrents you already own. Setting this option to null, or not specifying it at all, will disable the feature.


There is a minimum cadence of 10 minutes. We recommend keeping it at a relatively low number (10-30 mins) because if an indexer has a high frequency of new uploads, keeping the number low will make sure cross-seed gets a chance to see each new upload.

rssCadence Examples (CLI)

cross-seed daemon --rss-cadence 10min

rssCadence Examples (Config file)

rssCadence: null, // disable the RSS feature

rssCadence: "10 minutes",

rssCadence: "20min",


Config file nameCLI short formCLI long formFormatDefault
searchCadence--search-cadence <cadence>string in the ms format

In Daemon Mode, with this option enabled, cross-seed will run periodic searches of your torrents (respecting your includeEpisodes, includeNonVideos, excludeOlder, and excludeRecentSearch settings).


If you have RSS and on-finished-download searches set up, you can run these very infrequently - on the order of dozens of weeks. There is a minimum of 1 day unless excludeRecentSearch has been set.

searchCadence Examples (CLI)

cross-seed daemon --search-cadence "2 weeks"
cross-seed daemon --search-cadence "2w"

searchCadence Examples (Config file)

searchCadence: null, // disable the periodic search feature

searchCadence: "2w",

searchCadence: "4 weeks",


Config file nameCLI short formCLI long formFormatDefault

This feature is a v5 only feature and has been removed in v6 of cross-seed for apiKey


apiAuth is enabled in the config file by default, if you want to disable apiAuth set it to false.

Set this to true to require an API key on all requests made to the /api/announce and /api/webhook endpoints.

To find your API key, run the cross-seed api-key command. The api key can be included with your requests in either of two ways:

# provide api key as a query param
curl -XPOST localhost:2468/api/webhook?apikey=YOUR_API_KEY --data-urlencode ...
# provide api key as an HTTP header
curl -XPOST localhost:2468/api/webhook -H "X-Api-Key: YOUR_API_KEY" --data-urlencode ...

apiAuth Examples (CLI)

cross-seed daemon --api-auth # will require auth on requests
cross-seed daemon --no-api-auth # will allow any requests

apiAuth Examples (Config file)

apiAuth: true,
apiAuth: false,


Config file nameCLI short formCLI long formFormatDefault
apiKey--api-key <key>stringundefined

This feature is a v6 only feature.


apiKey is disabled in the config file by default, if you want to specify a key set it to a valid key (24 character min).

To find your generated API key, run the cross-seed api-key command. The API key can be included with your requests in either of two ways:

# provide api key as a query param
curl -XPOST localhost:2468/api/webhook?apikey=YOUR_API_KEY --data-urlencode ...
# provide api key as an HTTP header
curl -XPOST localhost:2468/api/webhook -H "X-Api-Key: YOUR_API_KEY" --data-urlencode ...

apiKey Examples (CLI)

cross-seed daemon --api-key <key> # will require auth on requests

apiKey Examples (Config file)

apiKey: undefined,
apiKey: "abcdefghijklmn0pqrstuvwxyz",


Config file nameCLI short formCLI long formFormatDefault
snatchTimeout--snatch-timeout <timeout>string in the ms formatundefined

This option applies to any snatch (download) of a .torrent file via Torznab. If a response is not given in the amount of time specified then it will consider the snatch as failed.

snatchTimeout Examples (CLI)

cross-seed daemon --snatch-timeout "15s"
cross-seed search --snatch-timeout "30s"

snatchTimeout Examples (Config file)

snatchTimeout: undefined, // disable the snatch timeout (http default)

snatchTimeout: "30s",

snatchTimeout: "15s",


Config file nameCLI short formCLI long formFormatDefault
searchTimeout--search-timeout <timeout>string in the ms formatundefined

This option applies to any search via Torznab. If the search response is not given in the amount of time specified then it will consider the search failed.

searchTimeout Examples (CLI)

cross-seed daemon --search-timeout "20s"
cross-seed search --search-timeout "45s"

searchTimeout Examples (Config file)

searchTimeout: undefined, // disables searchTimeout (http default)

searchTimeout: "60s",

searchTimeout: "20s",


Config file nameCLI short formCLI long formFormatDefault
searchLimit--search-limit <number>numberundefined

This option applies to any search Torznab. This option will stop searching after the number of searches meets the number specified.


This will apply to searching in daemon mode (periodic/cadence or when given a path which contains many files) or directly with the search command.

searchLimit Examples (CLI)

cross-seed daemon --search-limit 50
cross-seed search --search-limit 150

searchLimit Examples (Config file)

searchLimit: undefined, // disable search count limits

searchLimit: 150,


Config file nameCLI short formCLI long formFormatDefault

This feature is a v6 only feature.

Set this to true to use the flat-folder style linking previously used in v5. This option will otherwise link any matches to a tracker specific folder inside of linkDir (if set).

legacyLinking Examples (CLI)

cross-seed search --legacy-linking

legacyLinking Examples (Config file)

legacyLinking: true,

legacyLinking: false,


Config file nameCLI short formCLI long formFormatDefault
blockList--block-list <strings>--block-list <strings>string(s)

This feature is a v6 only feature.

cross-seed will exclude any of the files/releases from cross-seeding during the prefiltering done at startup. You can include keywords, infoHashes, or complete torrent/file names.

blockList Examples (CLI)

cross-seed search --block-list "badRelease" "blockedGroup" "595ceca24d075435435313c319c3a5f3bec3965a"

blockList Examples (Config file)

blockList: ["badRelease", "blockedGroup", "595ceca24d075435435313c319c3a5f3bec3965a"],